Mina Harper

Age: 30
Marital Status: Spectrophilia
Race: Human
Occupation: Bartender
Mina Harper recently left her casino job and moved to Gulf City. Growing up in Vegas has made her jaded and disinterested in most of the annoying little things people care about, but she still carries herself in style. After getting a job from Jumpsuit Lou as a bartender at Ezio’s, she met Sherri, a pint-sized ghost and regular at the bar. Sherri introduced her to Ghastly, a friend of her boyfriend Jerome’s. It’s not often humans are willing to mix with ghosts, but Ghastly & Mina got along right away. Mina and Sherri look out for each other, take care of their dumb boyfriends, and daydrink whenever possible.
If you want to get non-canonical, you can catch Mina Harper every Saturday on twitch.tv/gulfcity as the co-host of the Fright Power Hour!

Age: 30
Marital Status: Spectrophilia
Race: Human
Occupation: Bartender
Mina Harper recently left her casino job and moved to Gulf City. Growing up in Vegas has made her jaded and disinterested in most of the annoying little things people care about, but she still carries herself in style. After getting a job from Jumpsuit Lou as a bartender at Ezio’s, she met Sherri, a pint-sized ghost and regular at the bar. Sherri introduced her to Ghastly, a friend of her boyfriend Jerome’s. It’s not often humans are willing to mix with ghosts, but Ghastly & Mina got along right away. Mina and Sherri look out for each other, take care of their dumb boyfriends, and daydrink whenever possible.
If you want to get non-canonical, you can catch Mina Harper every Saturday on twitch.tv/gulfcity as the co-host of the Fright Power Hour!