Rosemary Ramekin

Rosemary Ramekin

Rosemary Ramekin

Age: 34
Marital Status: Married to the job
Race: Human
Occupation: Mayor’s Assistant

Rosemary Ramekin has big aspirations in local politics. She’s got the drive, the talent, the ambition, and the ruthlessness to carry her to the top of Gulf City’s infrastructure, but is still stuck making her boss, Armando Illo, look good. If there was ever a way for her to get out from under an administration bought and paid for by Cannoli Waste Management, she may be able to enact some real change in the city, but for now she’ll have to settle with wiping an incompetent armadillo’s nose.

Rosemary Ramekin

Age: 34
Marital Status: Married to the job
Race: Human
Occupation: Mayor’s Assistant

Rosemary Ramekin has big aspirations in local politics. She’s got the drive, the talent, the ambition, and the ruthlessness to carry her to the top of Gulf City’s infrastructure, but is still stuck making her boss, Armando Illo, look good. If there was ever a way for her to get out from under an administration bought and paid for by Cannoli Waste Management, she may be able to enact some real change in the city, but for now she’ll have to settle with wiping an incompetent armadillo’s nose.

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